Wednesday 15 December 2010



我把我修改好的2D模型MATLAB给导师展示了下,首先运算出natural frequency, 然后是First Mode Shape, 最后把图用MATLAB弄出来。有点小出入,导师说让我把每个点数值都乘以个0.1,然后把x轴和y轴的数据替换下,再plot出图来,这下好了,很完美的答案,就是导师想要的结果,总算我的这个2D模型totally完成了。这个圣诞假期的工作重心现在主要就是要找出MATLAB CODE里面的错误,因为之前的结果太匪夷所思了,要找到这个错误不容易,希望我能尽快找到吧。

然后,我再次问了关于我的申请,导师以为我又申请了。我说我的第二个Referee到现在还没上传letter,我该怎么办列?导师问我他是谁和他同意了吗?我说同意了,他是我tutor。接着我导师超好的说 那要不要我打个电话 催催他?我楞了下,马上说当然好呀。可惜我那万恶的tutor不在办公室,气死我了。本来就可以解决的事情,现在不知道啥时候能解决了。他要是有我导师一半好就好了咯。哎。他去哪了呢?你知道吗?


话说,今晚我又去吃寿司了 lol。

Saturday 11 December 2010


昨天跟导师meeting,把这周做的些东西给他老人家过目。本以为,导师会对我这周的状态不满,因为这周我只是把前面几周有问题或者出现不正常答案的matlab codes进行了修改,结果还好。

现在关于2D的结构够建基本上是正确了,但是关于3D的两个结构构建还有点问题,运行出来的答案还是很有问题的。因为这次带了电脑去,所以给导师展示的matlab codes的运行。我稀里糊涂做出来的“mode shape”很快的被证明很有问题,不过,导师很快的就教我把怎么样用matlab plot mode shape。

但是3D的问题依旧,我尝试的问导师,他说,你先把2D的mode shape做好,然后在做3D的吧。对于导师的理解,我表示幸喜。

随后,导师跟说我了下关于我PS和CV,表示都很好,我心里偷着乐跟老师说我找了很多同学还有当地同学帮我改了的,哈。说到申请,导师问我,为啥我不读PHD,我愣了下,回答到,直接读的话不是要毕业成绩70%以上吗?得到的回答是,不一定!upper second-class 也可以的。然后,我继续说,因为中国现在发展很快,机会也很多,并且,以后我也想去industry,所以... 呵呵。By the way, 其实读PHD也很好别,以后别人要叫我,熊博,啊哈哈。跟承博,方博一样,哈哈。

在meeting当中,跟导师询问下今后的就业方向的时候,导师透露,他很久以前还没进入学校的时候,在企业里面,也是帮助企业写这些matlab codes,做这类似的分析。这说明,我现在学的东西还是蛮具实际运用性的嘛。


Monday 6 December 2010

Leica M7

Leica M7 - Version 3, originally uploaded by Y.Xiong@2010.


Saturday 13 November 2010


无聊的时候,除了开人人网,几个论坛和几个博客,其他的时间都在Ebay和Amazon 闲逛了。逛着逛着就想买东西了,特别是等包裹,开包裹的时候,特别的爽,现在我还记得,去年我在Ebay上买D300然后去取回来的经历。这不这个星期,在ebay上又消费了,喜欢上买笔了,起因是上次在外面逛街的时候发现Lamy的笔的外形很喜欢,所以就上网查查了资料,还是made in Germany的,哈哈。

下面 一支是上次逛街买的rollerball和这星期在ebay上买的钢笔。

这三支是国内很多人都用的日本的uni-ball eye系列 很好写的,我的project journal都是那蓝色笔写的。


Friday 12 November 2010






Tuesday 28 September 2010

My Internet Speed

lol this is my test result for my Internet speed.

Updated Timetable

The original one is correct so just forget about the following words. :(

Yesterday, we have received a updated timetable and picked up from engineering support team because annually they alway will put the timetable for new term on the table in the front of their office. So, the new timetable we got is fabulous for us since it was decreased to only 5 lectures per week based on 7 lectures originally. No matter the lectures that were cancelled will be moved to where or next term it is a good news for me and I will have more space time to do just I want to do :D

Monday 20 September 2010

My Final Year Timetables

This is the Semester 1 Timetable

This is the Semester 2 Timetable

Time is running fast. I am a undergraduate student in final year and I cannot believe I have already been in UK for totally two year. Time seems like that it is not the same as I knew it when I was a kid.

In contrast with the timetable in second year and first year, the final year has less lectures. Maximum two lectures are arranged in one day and only two days have two lectures in a week. others all only have one lecture. However, these all are apparent since I have a lot of works to do. Individual project is vitally important and it will definitely kill my much time I guess. The result of exams in final year all will be counted into graduated grade so I should guarantee that I have 100% preparation before I go to the examinations :D God always with Me please and bless me. Let me dream come true.

ok no more words, just do it :D

Sunday 19 September 2010

Good Apple Store Service

Two MBPs :D

上星期,一天早上起来,打开我年迈的老mbp,发现屏幕不能显示任何东西了,但是机器还在运行,这可怎么办吧,最重要的是 电脑里面 有篇我快要完成的essay,月底就要交了。这个把我急坏了。 马上用ip4 上网预定了个 genius bar 只有 两天后 星期三才有位置了。于是乎只有等待了,期间天天用ipad上网,ipad的作用淋漓尽致的发挥出来了,在有wifi的环境下ipad就是个神器!
星期三,我准时到了apple store,报告了情况,为我服务的james,拿着我的电脑 到后面 test 好几分钟后出来,说我的电脑 应该是 主板坏了 还有光驱地方有些变形了,这地方由于bending造成的 一直没修。所有总共加起来修理好 要话 500多镑 (这个老mbp是2008夏天在hk买的 当时由于那时候applecare要3000RMB+ 所以就没买了,后悔了 ) 额,心想修好要5000多rmb。。。那还不如买台新的。james也让我自己考虑下,然后在做决定。可是我不能等了,我的essay还在里面,于是乎打个越洋电话,马上请示下了,得到批准后,回到apple store,找到james说,买台新的算了。

接下来事情就好办了,拿了台新mbp 15 低配的 (因为在uk这地方买apple太贵了,划不来,中国大陆的价格现在都便宜了,不过买apple最好还是在 us 和 hk买好,便宜阿!!!) 而且这次就二话没说买了applecare,还好学生价更加便宜 原价200多镑 学生买 就50多镑 :D 期间 我跟james 说 有什么特别的 优惠 除了 学生价外 (其实心里很不爽,因为9月7号 那个买mac 送 itouch的promotion截止了 我来的那天是9月8号 )james 跟我说好多,大概就是表示歉意的话,基本上就是没有了,不过他说 他会跟他的manager 说说 我这个情况的。

然后就是 data transfer 到新电脑里面了 我千叮嘱万嘱咐 james 一定要把essay 安全搞出来 他说应该没问题 只要硬盘没啥问题。最后我把我早要修理的 ipad keyboard dock (买回来没多久,因为一次在床上用,不小心把dock那个接口折断了) 拿给他问 能不能修好 james看了看 于是乎 他马上从货架上拿下个新的给我 说今天我的 troubles 太多了 就免费给我换个新的算了。

因为转数据要些时间,他们说48小时保证搞好,一般不要那么长,看工作量。好的,留下单据,回家等消息,回到家3点多钟,心里还是想着essay。6点钟我正在做晚饭的时候 电话响了 看了是个陌生的电话,我想肯定是apple的,结果就是james打来的,说数据已经传好了 新电脑可以了 而且那篇essay也找到了,接着james说 他跟manager说了 同意免费帮我修好老mbp 帮我更换主板和底板 风扇也要换 但是店里面没有货现在 所以下次我如果想换 就直接找他 只要话15镑就够了 劳工费也免了 还说老mbp可以用了但是还要test下 晚点 在给我打个电话 。

第二个电话来得时候,我正在吃饭,没接到,但是james 给我留了 voicemail 说 everything is totally ok now. 马上,10分钟不到冲到了apple store取回了 两台mbps lol, 感谢了james 很久.

One more collage picture

现在可以好好 完成我的 essay 了。 thanks for apple.

7 tips for writing a Personal Statement for postgraduate

新学期来,我也大3了,也要开始着手申请研究生的工作了,自己也想申请个好研究生麻。所以,最近上网喜欢找找一些关于怎么申请研究生的分享和经验。这里有7条tips关于怎么写Personal Statement的。

1. 有些英文的用字遣词要多注意,不要太口语化,这会让你的PS更简洁及专业。如果要说“在我的大学生涯中”可以用“during my undergraduate tenure"。不要太常用"more over"或是'what's more"来开头。"rigorous"是很好用来形容一个学位课程的严谨的一个词。

2. 不要想讲古一样从小时候说起,也无需声明你的人格特质。你申的是研究所,着重的是你是否有足够的基本学科知识,基础科研能力,以及专业人士该有的表达能力。你的人格养成并不是他们考量的目标之一。你为什么会对你的专业产生兴趣,以及你如何培养你的专业能力可以写,但是全部不要超过一个paragraph,简单的描述即可,不要太多内心世界的描述。

3. 只有和你专业相关的或是你担任过领导的课外活动才有用。如果你是读心理学的或是想申心理学相关科系,那你参加或参与过任何心理学的年会或是社团都很有用。读任何工科的人,加入你所属的工程协会在你学校的分会是很有用的。如果你是一些学校认可的学生组织的干部,那也是很有用的经历。上过你专业相关的校外课程也是一个有用的经历。才艺活动或是比赛就算是得奖也没有什么用(除非你是读艺术,音乐,或是舞蹈的)

4. 完整描述你专业相关的学术发表,科研和工作的经历及成果。麦当劳打工不算(除非你能有意义的扯到你的专业上)。帮过任何教授做过任何与你的专业有关的科研都算。如果没有任何科研经验的话,高级课堂上的做过的大规模的project也可以算。任何上过期刊或在年会中发表的成果都算

5. 适当的强调为何这个学校要收你。简单的说,他们有你这个校友会对他们有什么好处?

6. 适当的强调为何这个学校对你的发展很重要。展现一下你对他们的了解,他们为何适合你。比如说:专业排名,学校周遭产业优势,科研设备,师资等等。切记不要乱侃,要真的做好功课再捧

7. 不要做无聊的版面编排和花边。一句话,一切以专业为主,多做多错,不要给他们任何理由来拒你。

Saturday 18 September 2010


今天上网在人人网上发现这些有趣的英文单词,顺便转过来,看看。 Some of them are so funny :D

微博 Microblog

山寨 copycat

异地恋 long-distance relationship

剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls

熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)

裸婚 naked wedding

炫富 flaunt wealth

团购 group buying

人肉搜索 flesh search


发烧友: fancier

骨感美女:boney beauty

卡奴:card slave

下午茶 high tea

愤青 young cynic

性感妈妈 yummy mummy

亚健康 sub-health

灵魂伴侣 soul mate

小白脸 toy boy

精神出轨 soul infidelity

人肉搜索 flesh search

钻石王老五 diamond bachelor

时尚达人 fashion icon

御宅 otaku

橙色预警 orange signal warning

预约券 reservation ticket

上相的,上镜头的 photogenic

80后:80's generation


限时抢购:flash sale


荧光纹身:glow tattoo

泡泡袜:loose socks

裸妆:nude look

黄牛票:scalped ticket

扫货:shopping spree

烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up

水货:smuggled goods


正妹 hotty

对某人念念不忘 get the hots for

草莓族 Strawberry generation

草根总统 grassroots president

笨手笨脚 have two left feet

拼车 car-pooling

解除好友关系 unfriend v.

暴走 go ballistic

海外代购 overseas purchasing

跳槽 jump ship

闪婚 flash marriage

闪电约会 speeddating

闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance

不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time

乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)

一夜情 one-night stand

偶像派 idol type

脑残体 leetspeak

挑食者 picky-eater

伪球迷 fake fans

狂热的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him

暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy

奉子成婚 shotgun marriage

婚前性行为 premarital sex

开博 to open a blog

房奴车奴 mortgage slave

上课开小差 zone out

万事通 know-it-all

赌球 soccer gambling

桑拿天 sauna weather

假发票 fake invoice

二房东 middleman landlord

笑料 laughing stock

泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice

学历造假 fabricate academic credentials

暗淡前景 bleak prospects

毕业典礼 commencement

散伙饭 farewell dinner

毕业旅行 after-graduation trip

节能高效的 fuel-efficient

具有时效性的 time-efficient

很想赢 be hungry for success

面子工程 face job

指甲油 nail varnish

学历门槛 academic threshold

王牌主播 mainstay TV host

招牌菜 signature dishes

城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect

逃学 play hooky, 装病不上班 play hooky from work

一线城市 first-tier cities

高考 the National College Entrance Examines

录取分数线 admission scores

保障性住房 indemnificatory housing

一决高下 Duke it out

囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering

灰色市场 Grey market

反倾销 anti-dumping

吃白食的人 freeloader

公关 public relation

不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day

吉利的日子 saints' days

廉租房 low rent housing

限价房 capped-price housing

经适房 affordable housing

替罪羔羊 whipping boy

对口支援 partner assistance



小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man

二奶:kept woman

麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen

型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)

新新人类:new-new generation




驴友:tour pal



全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom


Tuesday 7 September 2010


2010年的夏天,快要结束了. 这么长时间都没写下日志了, 昨天早上电脑坏了,开不了机了, essay也写不了, 索性用这时间来写写随记, 也许更好.

反过来说吧, 现在啊, 电脑真是越来越多离不开, 人们的生活了, 没有了电脑, 能给我们带来太多的不便. 就说昨天我的电脑也罢工了, 而且也真不是时候. 这些天我都在写一篇关于地震的essay, 很不幸, 它一同在电脑里面了, 不知道能不能拿出来, 这是我最担心的事情. 我马上订了个apple genius bar星期三中午12点维修我电脑, 希望能把电脑修好, 特别是那份essay! 现在的人们都习惯性的把许多重要的文件, 图片存储在电脑上, 所以一旦失去电脑, 各种各样的事情将接踵而来, 想必大家都还记得陈冠希的艳照门吧.

电脑坏了, 我也只好拿我的ipad上网了. 还好我家的wifi相当不错. 用它看了三部电影, 之后也相当的无趣了. 

来说说, 假期吧. 也许这个假期对于我来说是最轻松的一个假期吧, 为什么这么说呢? 我天天在家没有人叫我学习了, 没人时时刻刻的管着我了, 让我很是轻松, 也许我实在在那种环境下生活了太长的时间, 也慢慢的习惯了, 也慢慢的接受了. 我也没做出什么出格的事情来, 唯一一次就是和同学出去玩, 由于吃夜宵晚了点, 回家都一点多了, 这是我第一次这么晚才回家, 有生以来的. 回到家中, 发现妈妈一个人还坐在客厅里面等着我, 太让我感动了, 虽然随后还和妈妈由于对于一些事情, 发生了激烈的讨论, 不过我在心底十分感动, 在心底产生了愧疚之情. 不过这一切的一切是我用成绩换来的. 想必这次考试没有考好, 挂了科, 虽然有原因, 但是情况会是大大的不同的. 回想起, 大二第一学期的考试, 我考得相当的不好, 哭的很伤心, 觉得自己都没有机会了, 最后的机会. 那时候非常怕跟妈妈视频, 想必肯定被妈妈骂得狗血淋头, 可是这次妈妈没有骂我, 而是安慰我, 这让我非常惊讶, 同时, 安慰的效果比谩骂和指责效果好的多, 我心中没有了向以往对父母的记恨和抵触, 而是感动, 理解, 和无穷的动力. 也许很多人不能理解我的心情, 那是因为我们的家庭环境不同, 我们生长环境也不相同, 无法理解也很正常啦. 

假期里, 我和妈妈一起去了日本游玩, 日本之行, 让我喜欢上了日本, 抛开政治不谈, 日本真是个非常好, 非常学习的国家. 街道变态的干净, 农村比城市还干净, 日本人彬彬有礼, 这都我们中国需要改善的, 而不是只为了国家经济的腾飞. 十分推荐大家如果有机会一定要去日本一趟, 想必肯定会感触良多. 在日本, 同样也感受了他们的饮食. 定时, 寿司 这些让我对于的饮食刮目相看, 进一步到达疯狂的地步. 每天, 我和妈妈都跑到外面吃, 甚至我们在中午12点之前, 就已经吃了3顿了. 使我回到英国之后, 也给我同学大势宣传日本餐了. 日本等着我, 不久我还会来的. 

同学的电话来了, 要去中国城买米去了, 自从9月1号搬到新房子, 一直都没出去买些必须品, 都吃的面包黄油, 都想吐了. 


Friday 21 May 2010

EasyJet A319 G-EZAL

EasyJet A319 G-EZAL, originally uploaded by xiongyu1988.

I do love this photo which I was taken at the Liverpool International Airport. Although Liverpool's airport is not so big as Manchester's airport, small jets like A319, B738 are also very nice to be captured. The color for this photo is fabulous. At the dusk, a fight of EasyJet which nobody knew where it came from have just arrived at the Liverpool Airport.

I am interesting in airplane, especially in aviation field. Honestly, I was afraid to go somewhere by air when I was a child but for now I do love flying with jets. In addition, I have thought about that I want to change my subject from Mechanical Engineering to Aerospace Engineering. That is what I am going to do.

Hope you like this photo. My pleasure.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Mirror & Silence

Mirror & Silence, originally uploaded by xiongyu1988.

This picture is my best shot so far. I has taken probably one or two months ago. One day, I went to a place which is called Crosby Beach near the town of Liverpool with my friends that were Jie Fang and Wentao Song. Actually, we had planed this small trip for a long time but someone always have no time. We all have many works, projects, endless meetings and even management meetings. Finally, we have got a time and got together to the Crosby Beach. In the Flickr, many people uploaded their amazing captures from here and before I went to there. I had prepared to have a look some of their works and extracted amount of key points to help me shot a nice picture. I brought my typical photograph equipments which are Nikon D300 and 18-200mm VR ii. A train from central line took our three to the destination for a while. In that sunny day afternoon, we were so happy to capture many picture for recording that nice day. It was a time which we were going back that Jie Fang had told us he could take many fabulous picture in his position and then we followed him and tripod got ready with camera. Just a moment, I could not remember how many picture we left them for this beautiful landscape. I thought that the rest of pictures all was shot here until the camera have reached the maximum. A shallow sea was just in front of us and reflected the scenery of dusk sky, specially at the far away edge between the sky with sea there had very good color and tone. That was my best scenery I want to record. Later, I have found this picture in the hundreds photos under the Mac system and used Aperature software to improve a little bit and eventually I have owned this beautiful photo which I gave Mirror & Silence as its name. I set it as my background and uploaded it into my Flickr account and many people have left their greetings. Now, I usually open my Flickr to see this photo and have a aftertaste.

Sunday 25 April 2010


好 久没来写东西了,刚刚复习了会,累了,不是身体上的疲惫,准确的说应该是脑子累了,疲了。Dynamic System还是蛮难搞明白的,脑袋都想爆了,还是没能想出来,只好去问问同学交流交流下,正好明天约了和senhat去图书馆搞PROE,到时候去问他 吧,希望他能解释下吧。

说道 PROE,哎。。。悲剧啊。到现在整个一个学期的project,我们组里的人就没一个认真做的,做出来的东西真是惨不忍睹呀,不知道上学期的干劲去哪 了。下个星期就要交PROE了,我们组的救生艇一个大概的形状还没出来。所以,这两天我一有时间我就在狂做PROE,其实我自己的PROE的水平真不敢恭 维,碰到个难点要弄好久好久,不过幸好,自己还是很喜欢做PROE,这跟我自己的兴趣有很大的关系,喜欢做模型,哈。现在终于到体会到兴趣是最好的老师, 此话一点也没错。整整做了2天,今天晚上终于把一些基础的东西做出来了,而且把他们组装起来了,上了颜色,感觉还不错,要知道,这整个船上面的部分都是我 做的呀,不容易啊,尺寸都是零时改的或者试了又试,改了又改出来的,算得自己头疼。虽然和其他组做的高科技还是有差距,但是我们组的东西已经有了很大进 步,现在还要花大量的时间和精力improve我们的船。星期五有个meeting,让你们看看,你自己部件是多么的差劲,也给你们分配点任务,别让我一 个人搞,我哪有那么多时间哦。

前些时间还是 蛮多事情值得纪念的。首先,热烈庆祝我的flickr主页浏览人数超过1000!!!哈哈哈!!!flickr是个很好的平台去分享自己拍摄的图片给世界 各地的人们,在flickr上也认识了不少热爱摄影的人,他们也给了我很好的建议。现在有时间,就会去上会flickr回味下或者整理下自己的图片,也可 以去看看今天做热门的图片,欣赏下别人的作品,提高自己的技术和感受。

除此之外,在股市上,可谓有得有失。这段时间航空业向好,让我获利不少,我也自夸索罗斯附身,哈哈。不过看好航空业,是我自己的分析 或者说自己对航空有着特别的爱好吧。在此也好感谢我的股神室友kyle同学,每次问他买哪个股票的时候,他都耐心的帮我分析,然后给我谨慎的推荐,神奇的 地方是他每次推荐的股票都很好,有着良好的涨势,可惜,我没听他的。最可惜的是,他推荐的重庆啤酒,最近由于利好,这只股票已经涨了百分之30-40%。 OMFG。现在自己很少玩游戏了,原来最喜欢玩的大海战也很少玩了,其实自己还是蛮想玩游戏的,但是不知道怎么对它们提不起兴趣了,也许是压力吧,哎。索 性现在自己把股票当做个游戏了,感谢爸爸妈妈给了我一定的资金,谢谢。平时自己上网浏览的时候,也去看看财经方面的消息了,看有没有消息对自己或者其他股 票有影响。自从去年暑假开始炒股来,自己犯了蛮多的错误操作,不过幸好没让自己亏很多,而且这段时间由于看准了航空股,狠狠地赚了。最近一次的错误操作发 生在前天,当天一开盘超跌反弹然后马上跳水,自己没挺住,马上把自己的东方航空全抛了,多么愚蠢的决定啊。当时的situation是,我的成本价是7块 整,市价8块3毛多,开盘跳水后跌倒-2%多,我抛了个低价位,当天,东方航空09年年报出来,10年一季度报出来,显示盈利翻翻,是各家航空公司效益增 长最大的,果然,没过多久,资金一窝蜂的扑向航空股,然后立即翻红,到收盘涨停板。无语啊。其实我当时是还是有资金的如果我在低价位的时候不是抛出股票而 是全盘买入,当天就赚了7%,唉,自己傻,没经验呀。

哦对了,星期 一晚上我去安菲尔德看球了。这是我来到利物浦这么久来,第一次去现场看球,位置绝佳。去看看我的相册里面的照片就知道了。英超的球市果然火爆,基本上都坐 满了,由于我们坐的离客队球迷区不远,时不时的客队球迷传来潮水般的呐喊声,而且当他们的球队0:3落后的时候他们依然没有宵禁,仍然一个个热情高涨。英 国的很多球场都不大,当你来英国去过老特拉福德参观或者来安菲尔德看过比赛就会有同样的感受,这些球场真紧凑啊。当我和同学拿季票入场时的那个电子门,我 的天啊,那真是够窄的,我可以肯定英国的那些稍微胖点的人绝对不可能从这个门进去。


go beyond !!!

Friday 12 February 2010

Guardrail & Cathedral

This photo that was used as the background was shot yesterday. We went out for taking photo with my friends since one of my friend have just got his new Nikon D90 and he wanted to test it. Precisely I can bring my old D70 and go to Chinese market to buy some food for preparing Chinese Spring Festival. Also my new lens which is Nikon 35mm 1.8 DX was just deliver to me so I have used this lens not 18-200mm one.

I do love this photo. The building which is cathedral in Liverpool is depth blur at back of the photo, and there is a mark on the guardrail that is the symbol of Liverpool. You can see it anywhere in Liverpool, for instant, the mark of Liverpool Football Club and the mark of University of Liverpool.

Other photos was uploaded in my Flickr already, If you want to have a look, just click the following address:

Monday 18 January 2010

Reclining Buddha

Reclining Buddha, originally uploaded by xiongyu1988.

The building is constructed for containing the important Buddha image, the Reclining Buddha. King Rama III told his nobleman, Krom Muen Pumintarapakdi (Prince Laddawan), the head of department of the Ten Crafts as a construction team leader. After having noulded the image of the Reclining Buddha, the team continued with the hall.The image was made of stuccoed bricks gilded with gold leaves. This statue is 46 metres long, with the dimensions at the face of 15 metres high and at each foot of 3 metres high and 5 metres long.

The soles of the statue's feet are inlaid with mother-of-pearl showing the 108 auspicious signs of the Buddha. This is the largest and most beautiful piece of fine arts of the Buddha image in a reclining position found in Thailand.

The mother of pearl inlay at the feet of the image is of Thai-Chinese style, as indicated by 108 auspicious signs portraying natural scenes of both Indian and Chinese influences.

On the inner wall of this vihara, you will see mural paintings of three topics: “Mahawong” (Historical annals of Ceylon) up the windows; “13 Savida Atadagga Disciples (Priestess)”, “10 Upasaka Atadagga Disciples” and “10 Upasika Atadagga Disciples” between each window


Thursday 14 January 2010

Experiment Water Power Rocket

This was a project that we have done it in my first year at the University of Liverpool. It is to construct a water power rocket and then calculate how height it can get, finally doing a outside experiment tests the result of the calculation.

Today, when I have a look my D drive I have found these photos that I took them in experiment so now I am going to post them out for having a good memory.

A lecturer was checking the group list and preparing for experiment

Classmates all came to the place and prepared to the competition. Guess which group of the rocket will be the highest.

This was our Water Power Rocket and steve was taking photo with it. How was our Rocket? lol

It was our place, keep away... here is dangerous

What was Dr. Johnson saying? I don't know. Other people were doing their experiment. Several launcher was set on the grassland.

See, Mohan Pan in black/red coat standed there this time she was controller.

Countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, fire......

Our design: Water Power Rocket. Final result: 34.5m

Lastly, upload a picture myself lol......

Good job, Good team work, Thanks to everyone in my group.

Exams again

Today is 14 January 2010, there are only 4 days I am going to start two exam week and 5 exams. This Christmas holiday I was back to China because I was going to have driver licence tests. Finally, I have passed all tests and got my driver licence :D.

4 days ago I returned to UK. Although I have done some revision at home I still have many questions I don't understand so I have called four classmates to library everyday afternoon until 5 pm as usual. Remember last year we also went to the library and did revision together. I think this is good method to review since many times I always guess my brain is not enough strong to understand the context of the handouts. Now we have 5 brains lol we are more effective.

Yesterday, I heard from my classmate that Google will withdraw from China. Today I have found a lot of news that shows "Google withdraw from China". I don't know what is happened, that is a business activity not engineering project :D but I have to say that would be a loss for Chinese and meanwhile Baidu also will lose a really good competitor. Here bless Google China...